Monday, 29 October 2007
Beyond Satire!
I have just been reduced to a state of incontinent incoherence by the following headline on the BBC news site;
"Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah accuses Britain of doing too little to fight international terrorism."
I mean what comes next, "Mafia criticises corruption in U.K."??
This critiscism is from the unelected leader of one of the most brutal regimes in the world where in the words of Amnesty International - "Fear and secrecy permeate every aspect of life. Every day the most fundamental human rights of people in Saudi Arabia are being violated."
It is not just Human rights groups, listen to the verdict of the U.K. Foreign Office, not a noted pinko refugee camp - "Women are subject to discrimination. Prisioners suffer maltreatement and torture. Capital punishment is imposed without adequate safeguards and often executed in a cruel way and in public. Amputations are imposed as corporal punishment ... We also have concerns about freedom of expression, assembly and religion."
And this crtiscism from the leader of a country where women are kept in effect under house arrest. They are banned from driving, from leaving the house without a male guardian, even in a medical emergency, or from holding a passport. And daily they have the risk of being beaten up by thugs from the "Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice" for "infringments."
And rememeber this is the country which over 30 years has deeply corrupted the traditional tolerance of Islam by exporting its half baked primitive Wahabi creed worldwide by bankrolling fundamentalist Mederessa and Mosques througout the world. This, most tellingly, is the country which provided 19 out of 20 of the suicide bombers who committed the 9/11 outrage. This is the country which interpets the Prophet's injunction to respect the "People of the Book" (Jews, Christians and Zorastorians) by banning any other religion other than its fundamentalist corruption of Islam from the land of Saudi Arabia.
And today Britain welcomes this corrupt monarch from a creaking oil soaked state created by brutality in 1932 in the name of oil, in the name of 7 billion pounds of trade and in the name of the corruption of British Public life by abandoning a fraud probe into the Al Yamanah arms contract kickbacks from which Prince Bandahar (former ambassador in Washington, curent Saudu security minister and friend of the Bush family.) has lived the life of a modern day Croesus.
As Tom Lehr observed when Henry Kissinger received the Nobel Peace Prize, some things are beyond satire!
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