Saturday 4 January 2014

Best Newspaper Headline of 2013

My nomination for best Newspaper Headline of 2013 is .......
The Argus is the paper for Brighton & Hove where the majority on the Council are Green Party and Conservative. Just saying! This is a bitter disappointment to me as I assumed the headline might refer to FibDems trying to look both ways on TwoFacebook!

The Argus is (rightly) famous for its headline boards. There are Flickr groups and entire blogs just for their better ones.  Unfortunately (or fortunately for humours sake) these stories are all true reinforcing Brighton & Hove's place as Britain's most interesting city with a glorious seaside location which has attracted bohemian's since the Prince Regent first built the famed Brighton Pavilion in 1787.

The Argus is a UK local newspaper based in Brighton and Hove in East Sussex, with editions serving the city of Brighton and Hove and the other parts of both East and West Sussex.

Brighton Pavilion


  1. I love the covers! I had never seen anything like this before.

  2. The Headline Headboards are much loved locally and are a clever piece of marketing by The Argus. However, like all local papers it is very squeezed with declining circulation and declining advertising revenue. It is a pity because real local newspapers are an important part of an area's special character.
